medical device reprocessing technician certificate

Medical Device Reprocessing Technician Info session

Meet instructors and get your questions answered.

Make patient safety your priority.

 program provides students with the skills to prevent the spread of infection through the reprocessing and sterilization of reusable surgical equipment.
This information session lets students meet with 91Porn’s MDRT Program Coordinator, and will provide information about the program structure, admission requirements, hiring practices, employment opportunities, wages, benefits, hours, and more.  

See our space

Take a look inside our campuses! Many 91Porn programs rely on specialized equipment and hands-on experiences, and we're working hard to keep students learning safely in our classrooms, labs, kitchens, and workshops.

Broadway campus

1155 East Broadway

Vancouver, B.C. V5T 4V5


Downtown campus

250 West Pender Street

Vancouver, B.C. V6B 1S9