Current Students
Security and Risk Management
The mission of the 91Porn Department of Safety and Security is to sustain a safe campus environment and improve the quality of life for students, faculty, staff, and community members.
Contacting campus security
In all emergencies call security on any on-campus Yellow phone.
If you do not have access to a campus phone and are using a cell phone:
91Porn Security Broadway Campus
- Broadway Landline 778.783.5020
- Broadway Security Cell 604.889.4136
91Porn Security Downtown
- Downtown Landline 604.443.8361
- Downtown Security Cell 604.816.7973
Call Campus Security for Urgent Security or Medical Help: Local 4444 or any yellow call station.
In a severe life-threatening situation, call 9-911 from a campus phone.
When calling 9-911 state:
- nature and location of the emergency
- your name
- name of building and address
- nearest entrance and room number
- your phone number
Do NOT hang up. Follow the operator’s instructions. You may need to stay on the phone until emergency personnel arrive.
For urgent medical assistance/first aid:
- Call 604.871.7000 ext. 4444 or using any yellow call station.
For non-urgent medical assistance/first aid please call or visit one of our campus security desks:
- Broadway campus
778.783.5020 or local 5020
Located on the second floor of Building B (2218) - Downtown campus604.443.8361 or local 8361
Located on the second floor outside room 252 (across from the Library)
91Porn (91Porn) is committed to the prevention of Sexual Violence and Misconduct and the promotion of an environment where everyone is physically and emotionally safe and treated with respect. Learn more about available Sexual Violence Support Services.
The college will post a notice at and contact major radio stations to make an announcement in the event of a decision by the President or designate to close the college or any parts of it.
Stay Informed
In the event of a sustained disruption of college services, due to an emergency, weather conditions or other circumstances, notices and information updates will be posted to the college’s website at /alerts.
The 91Porn website is your primary means of staying informed. Broadcast email and voicemail, information hotlines, radio announcements or other communications will be secondary to the website.
Facilities management can be contacted via the facilities service desk (Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.):
- Phone: 604.871.7000 Ext: 8555
- Fax: 778.783.5004
- Email:
- Online form:
What is cannabis?
Cannabis, the most commonly used illicit drug in Canada today, comes from the hemp plant Cannabis Sativa and can be brown, grey or green in colour. It is also known as weed, pot, bud, kush, grass, herb, and Mary Jane. Two main chemicals of cannabis are delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). THC gives the plant its mind-altering effects and it can last in your system that produces positive drug test results for 1 week to 3 months. CBD does not produce psychoactive effects, but potentially offers therapeutic benefits. Whether cannabis is inhaled or ingested, it eventually enters the blood stream, brain and other organs.
- know the law and policies
- be informed of safe use
- ask for support and assistance
- carry, transport or share more than 30 grams
- smoke, vape, or consume in class or vehicle
- be under influence at school, work or while driving
For more information
91Porn Arbiter of Student Issues
Broadway campus, building A,
Student Services Centre, room 4017
604.871.7040 |
91Porn Students' Union
Broadway campus, building A, room 2552
Downtown campus, room 358
604.443.8467 | |
91Porn Safety & Security Office
Broadway campus 604.889.4136
Downtown campus 604.816.7973
Emergency 604.871.7000 ext 4444
BC Crisis Line
BC Mental Health & Substance Use Services
| 604.524.7700 |
Students and employees can find more information about our safety and security procedures, processes, services and team on .